Monday, October 11, 2010


I took the kids to the park today.  It was a beautiful, not-too-cold fall day.  The sun was bright as were our outlooks.  We played at the play ground, kicked the soccerball around, threw rocks in the river, and ran through the yellow blanket of leaves lying on the ground.  Here's the kicker... I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!!  We've been to the park before.  How many pictures do I need, right?  BUT THEN, they were doing the most picture worthy things!  The wind picked up and yellow leaves came fluttering down from up, up, up in the tree.  All three were running, and squealing and dancing among the floating leaves.  When the wind stopped, they piled up leaves and threw them as high as they could above their heads.  It was picture perfect and I didn't have my camera.   As I just sat and watched I loved the moment.  I loved that it was our moment, and it was fun and special.  I loved that I wasn't looking at it through my camera.  I loved that they were so carefree, and I wasn't missing a moment of it.  I may not remember it in the years to come, but today I simply sat and paused and enjoyed.


  1. I LOVED reading this post. I totally agree with you about moments. Sometimes rushing to grab your camera takes away from actually sitting in the moment and just taking in what's going on around you. I think your words in this post did a better job than any photo could do. I can totally imagine the huge smiles on their faces!

    It's funny, the second you started mentioning how beautiful your day was, I instantly scrolled down to find a picture. I have to admit, I kind of liked hearing you describe it, instead of just glancing at a pic.

    Here, Here for less pics and more moments!!

  2. You are a priceless mom! It IS all about the moment and you were able to sit back and enjoy that special moment. I think I could picture every bit even without the camera capturing it. I applaud you for just savoring.

  3. Many times the best moments are captured in our minds, not in a camera. Especially when one writes such a descriptive account of the day.
    Another "special moments record" is to have a child write (as soon as they can) their impression of the day. Also asking them to draw a picture. A great means of recording the day. Keep on being the great Mom that you are.. it's what helps kids grow to great adults!
