Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Windows Are Installed!!!

Ok, so here it is!! As of March 26, all of the windows are in, and what a job that was! On February 22, the four triangle windows were delivered . All four and their crate weighed 2100 hundred pounds. Yikes!! It took four guys to install each one, and yes, one of them broke. If you look to the farthest left corner of this picture, you can see it leaning up against the house. I told Lee to stop throwing rocks at it and save it for my greenhouse (!!!!!). It is such a relief to have those windows installed and looking so pretty. Now, on to interior framing. Hooray!!


  1. Looking gooooood! I love how pretty it looks when the sun hits the logs like that. BEAUTFUL!

  2. What a great picture of your house! I somehow just stumbled onto your blog.. didn't know you had one! Pictures of the children with their Easter treasures are delightful.
